NED and Gizo at BUDMA 31st Jan TO 3rd Feb 2023

NED Generators | From 31st January to 3rd February, we will join BUDMA (Website – BUDMA) , an international fair for construction and architecture based in Poznan, together with our Polish distributor, Gizo Rental (Website Gizo Rental Sp. z o.o. sp.k.)

HUSH55 is silent generator of NED

At the exhibition, we will present our 60kVA HUSH Stage V genset.

Thanks to our patented soundproofing system designed by the Ned Generators engineering team, this HUSH55 has achieved an incredible result:

47.1 db(A) at 7 metres.

At our stand, you will realise how quiet our gensets are, but also get to know our entire range of products, designed for construction and telecommunications (TLC).

Best solution for TLC telecommunications power generators silent and best quality

How are NED generators designed?

Your needs are our priority. So, our team of mechanical and electrical engineers will design a high-quality generator set with the specific characteristics required.

So far, NED is one of the few companies able to customise each genset, thus guaranteeing customers a quality product with a patented and unique high level of soundproofing.

Position of Gizo Stand with Ned Generators

Visit us at our stand from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. [LINK]

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